Pauline Neville-Jones is a member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Chairman of the Advisory Panel to the Bank of England on Cyber Security. From 2010 to 2011, she was Minister of State in the Home Office responsible for Security and Counter terrorism and a member of the National Security Council. On stepping down from government she became the Prime Minister’s Special Representative to Business on Cyber Security until March 2014.
Pauline has a background in government and the private sector. She was a career member of the Diplomatic Service from 1963 to 1996 during which time she was Head of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Secretariat in the Cabinet Office, Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet. Among other places she served in Washington D.C., the European Commission (as Chef de Cabinet to a British Commissioner) and Germany and, as Political Director in the FCO she led the UK delegation to the Dayton Peace negotiations on Bosnia.
She became Managing Director for business development at NatWest Markets, the investment banking arm of the NatWest Group in 1996 and non-executive Chairman of the defence technology group, QinetiQ, from 2004 to 2007. She was a Governor of the BBC from 1997 to 2004.
She became David Cameron’s National Security Adviser in opposition from 2007-2010 and was responsible for the creation of the National Security Council.