This Breakthrough Group will seek to identify and close ASPR (Agreements, Standards, Policies and Regulations) gaps in expectations for the unacceptable behaviors of entities when interacting with each other, whether they are humans, machines, governments, businesses or other NGOs.
2014 Summit starts in:
Acts of Aggression in Cyberspace
"What we have now learned over the last 10 or 20 years, is that you cannot assume trust. That is why we’re dealing with a persistent problem of criminality, theft of intellectual property and even efforts to sabotage or damage our infrastructure using the Internet.”
Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
“One of our prominent speakers told me privately that his major worry is that one day we will cross a really difficult divide, and will confront a situation when people will die as a result of a cybersecurity attack. That could be a game changer of the worst type.”
EWI President and CEO
“A small state could be absolutely brought to its knees because everything could be closed down — its life systems, its energy systems, its medical systems."
Chairman, BT Group plc
“A cyber peace treaty would be one of a kind. It would have to bring together governments, the private sector and even individuals.”
Secretary-General, IntERNATIONAL Telecommunication Union